
Thursday, May 31, 2012

DInghy Build (Part Dos)

Kyle from Of Winds and Water gives us Part II of his stitch 'n glue dinghy build... Paint - wild paint:
Okay, here we go: the pictures...
Step two thousand, four hundred and ninety seven: Sea trials. Only one thing left to do. Drop it in the water and see if it floats! Luckily, our first sea trials were not only successful from the floating aspect, but we even managed to stay dry! Up and down the canals, one person or two, we tested that Acrux does exactly what she was intended to do. Float, row, and transport us across the anchorage.

And last but not least, here she is resting on her preferred transport spot. Most of the time on the ICW we'll simply tow her behind, ready for quick deployment once we're at our anchorage for the night. But for crossing larger bodies of water, or just for extra security, this is where she'll rest.

(Part I of the series is here.)


  1. I like the Delta diamondplate truck box repurposed as a dockbox. brilliant idea.

    nice dinghy as well. I like the stencilwork.

  2. Dinghy artist, here! Just wanted to say that Kyle let me pick out whatever colors I wanted, and my brother helped me cut out stencils :)

    And it ended up being a huge talking point - a great way to meet other boaters, plus our dinghy ended up being featured on in Oriental, NC, and we definitely turned a few heads on the ICW!

  3. Darcy -

    The time for staid dinghy paint is over. Yours is the most exotic dinghy paint job I have ever seen... and it is inspirational!

